When Ben’s wife left him for somebody else and saddled him with their young kids he didn’t know what he was going to do with himself. Not only did he have two kids to deal with, he also wondered how he would have sex now that his wife was gone? Luckily for him the girl next door was hard up for a job since she flunked out of college. She loved playing with his kids and every now and then she joked about someday getting to play with his cock.
That day finally arrived and she was going to use it to her advantage. Suzy set up a babysitter cam and seduced the kid’s dad into going wild for her with lust. At first she wasn’t sure if she would go through with it, but all notions of stopping him disappeared when she saw what an animal he was for her young perky body.
In the end she had a babysitter sex homemade amateur porn video to blackmail him with. Little did she know he didn’t care if she uploaded the video and even called her on her bluff. Well that video is up on the net and now everybody he knows is high fiving him for fucking such a hot piece of ass!